Holocaust Memorial Assembly
Thank you to Mrs Herbaut who led the Holocaust Memorial Assembly for KS2.
The children listened to the very moving core from Schindler’s list as they watched a moving slide show which spoke to them of the atrocities committed in the extermination camps. They learned about the why they were created and horrors that the Jewish people went through at the hands of the Nazis. The assembly demonstrated to all of about the importance of remembering the Holocaust and the suffering that so many millions went through. The children also tried to understand how to avoid this happening again in modern day. They watched a video of a survivor from the camps who recounted her experience.
Why do we need to know this? We have a voice to help change the world, video on your voice and how important it is to “speak up and speak out”. We use our voices to speak out about justice, hate and discrimination. We can challenge and change using our voices.