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Nursery and Reception
Nursery have been looking at ‘Flips Snowman’ and have created their own snowman with what they see in the winter. Reception have been learning about ‘Polar Bear, Polar Bear, what do you hear?’ They have written down their own ideas for sounds.
Year 1 Maple
‘It is time someone wrote a story about a nice wolf!’ Year 1 have been reading 2Footprints in the snow” and have written the story out on storyboards making sure that it is in the correct order.
Year 2 Willow
We have been reading Man on the Moon and have created our own alien profiles using information they have learnt about the aliens in the book. We used different ideas to create our own personal alien.
Year 3 Elm
We have been looking at Narrative Poetry. This is poetry that tells a story but as a rhythm and rhyme. Children could choose to write about their families, pets and animals and more.
Year 4 Aspen and Rowan
We have been reading My name is not Refugee and we have written a diary updating daily on what has happened. Children put their thoughts in about what they would say to their mothers.
Year 5 Cedar
We researched facts about the Himalayas, in particular the highest peak – Mount Everest and imagined what it would be like to climb to the top. We wrote a diary entry about our experience. We discovered, using a range of sources, information and interesting facts about the Alps. We then created our own presentational pieces using this information.
Year 6 Cherry and Oak
We have been reading ‘The Spider and the Fly’ and have created diary entries writing as the spider inviting and persuading other insects to visit them. We used vocabulary that would draw in the insects to stay.