Fantastic Finish
Year 1 – We looked at healthy foods and what makes a healthy diet in Year 1. We invited the children to make fruit salads with their parents and then after evaluating what they made. Thank you to all the parents who contributed fruits and helped out. It was lovely to see how much the children enjoyed it.
Year 2 – It was lovely to see parents/carers coming in for our Fantastic finish. The children enjoyed creating nature pictures. Very creative, well done Year 2.
Year 3 – We invited parents/carers in to help with designing and making healthy sandwiches for Fantastic Finish. Children used a variety of fillings and some even tried something new. Thank you to the parents/ carers that joined us in the classroom.
Year 4 – It was nice to see parents/carers and other family members joining us on our last week before May half term with our event Fantastic Finish. We got to explore music with Mrs Ward and a physical activity of beanbag rounders.
Year 5 – For our fantastic finish we create our own insects from cardboard. This was inspired by the Benin Plaques which we have been studying in our West African Art unit. We had a great time. Thank you to all the parents that attended.
Year 6 – We were delighted to welcome so many parents to their Fantastic Finish. We hope you all had as much fun as we did creating your initials using magazine art.
Thank you to all the staff involved in Fantastic Finish across the school. Happy Half term!